Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing

Traditional Marketing vs. Online

What type of marketing is more favorable for me? Which one guarantees sales? These are the main questions that entrepreneurs ask themselves when they want to invest in marketing to increase their sales.

What would you think if I told you that they are not competition, much less rivals and that both can help you achieve your goal? Interesting! Don’t you think?

In this article you will understand the main differences between digital and traditional marketing, but for this I will first explain their definitions.

Traditional marketing is also known as offline. It focuses especially on mass sales using media such as: press, radio, television, fairs, exhibitions, among others in order to achieve its objectives.

On the other hand, online or digital marketing uses digital media. Their communication is more direct and personal with users, using social networks, website, e-mail marketing, among others.

Since we understood each marketing, I will show you the main differences between them.


Traditional marketing

The message is addressed to large masses. Your ad will be seen by your segment and more people, so instead of paying just for a “small” group to see it, you end up paying for a mass of people.

Digital marketing

The message is directed to selective segments. You can focus on only one specific segment taking into account their interests (topics they like), geographic data (eating habits, clothing, languages, traditions, etc.), location (geographical locations, where your company carries out its activity or places who have shown interest in it), this helps you minimize your expenses.


Traditional marketing

Traditional media such as TV, the written press, radio, are the main option for advertising by large companies, due to the prices allocated.

The cost varies depending on the time, space and content of the programming.

In 2019, the average cost of a 20-second ad was 173,243 pesos.

Digital marketing

Developing a campaign on social networks or Adwords is within the reach of any small, medium or large company.

Taking Facebook as an example, the recommended prices vary depending on the objective of the campaign.

For example:

Brand Awareness you can choose if you want to spend from $10 a day or if you prefer to put the full amount. You are charged only per impression (the number of times your ad is shown)

Types of communication:

Traditional marketing

Communication is unidirectional, the user cannot respond to the messages generated by the brand.

Digital marketing

It is distinguished by two-way and interactive communication, it helps to generate conversations and ties between the company and consumers

Communication channels:

Traditional marketing

The brand has a presence in traditional channels, such as radio, television, exhibitions, printed material, among others.

Digital marketing

The presence of the brand is based on the internet, that is, it uses social networks, e-mail marketing, website, blog, among other things.


Traditional marketing

-Advertising in print media

-Advertising in audiovisual media

-Direct mail advertising

-Direct sale

Digital marketing

SEM Search Engine Marketing (Paid advertising on google.)

Redes sociales

Correos masivos (Email Marketing)

SEO Search engine optimization (FREE paid advertising on google)



I leave you an image where you can notice the main differences in a summarized version.

Now that you know all this and you know that THE WORLD CHANGES, don’t be left behind and EVOLVE WITH IT.


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Download our E-book "5 reasons to invest in social networks" where we explain each of the above points in more detail

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